quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2008

Caro Participante/Dear Participant

Lamentamos os eventuais inconvenientes que esta decisão possa acarretar. Tudo faremos para, em 2009, voltarmos a trazer aos ecrãs o Festival Internacional Global Kids, convictos de que ele ocupa um vazio importante na promoção e divulgação do cinema de qualidade junto das camadas mais jovens.

Saudações cordiais,


We are very sorry to have to inform that the Global Kids International Film Festival has been cancelled as a result of a decision by the board of directors of the Associação Cultural Global Kids.

The prospect of a less than appealing bill and a lack of major sponsors have led the board to take this difficult decision. We are very sorry for any inconvenience we might have caused you. We will fight to bring the Global Kids International Film Festival back to the road again, next year.

All the broadcast copies will be returned during the next two weeks.

A big thanks for your participation!

Kind regards,

Festival Coordination